Mission, vision and values

Pioneers in education in leisure

The Fundació Pere Tarrés, with 60 years of existence, is a non-profit educational and social action organization that was created with the aim of promoting education in the free time of children and young people.

Dedicated to the promotion of education in free time, volunteering, the improvement of social intervention and the strengthening of the associative fabric, over time, its action has been extended to other areas of social action such as training, research and management…

Our mission

The promotion of the person from education, especially in free time, and social action based on the values of Christian humanism.

Mission elements


We have as a final reference everything that contributes to the full realization of the person in his dignity and in all his dimensions.


Social action with groups with specific or more disadvantaged needs or the promotion of community development is only at the service of the person and their growth if they incorporate the educational dimension or become areas for an education in values.


All our action has a clear educational dimension in the means and purposes.


We only understand education as education in values that backbone the person.


The importance of social and non-school contexts in the construction of the personality of young people, makes us opt for free time as a privileged framework to promote education in values.


We want to be a relevant social agent, transforming from direct social and educational action, from linked entities, from training and from the dissemination of knowledge and reflections.

We want to be an autonomous, Christian-inspired and efficient entity that generates social value and improvements for children and other groups with social needs and that helps non-profit entities of general interest.

We have universalizing will. We envisage significant growth in the dimension and impact of our actions and reflections, both in the Catalan and Spanish spheres and, specifically, in Ibero-America in the coming years.


The action of the people who form part of the Pere Tarrés Foundation is rooted in the values of christian humanism. Our educational and social commitment leads us to work for the person and the community from the love of others, the search for brotherhood and justice, ethics, an attitude of service towards the weak, interiority and spirituality, work for peace and truth.

The style of action of these values is specified in:


"The happiness of nations depends on the healthy education of youth" Saint John Bosco

We understand education as the axis of our mission and the best way to accompany, empower and help people grow.


"Sometimes we feel that what we do is just a drop in the sea, but the sea would be less if it lacked a drop" Mother Teresa of Calcutta

We are committed to social transformation towards equality and social justice.


"We need to feel again that we need each other, that we have a responsibility for others and for the world" Pope Francis

We promote a rigorous, responsible and quality way of doing things.


"Enthusiasm is life, it is love, it is audacity, it is talent, it is, in a word, creative power. It is the whole soul that manifests itself burning with an ideal under the rule of reason" Blessed Pere Tarrés

We get involved, approaching others with honesty and enthusiasm.

Christian identity

Educational and social commitment
from a christian identity

The Pere Tarrés Foundation is an entity of the Catholic Church, and it is for
this that the gospels and the message of Jesus of Nazareth
they inspire action and give meaning to the Foundation's task.